Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Friday, December 22, 2006


Hayes loves to help. He decided to help Mimi with her Xmas cards. He was very careful to put the stamps in just the right places!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Merry Xmas!

I've been busy this weekend!
My friend Ben and I took a ride on the Polar Express! We had cookies & hot chocolate and Santa gave us some bells. It was really cool!

Then, I went to the Children's Museum with my Mom & Dad, & Mimi & Papa. We had dinner and saw Santa and hit all my favorite spots! What a blast.

When we got home, we took some pictures by the Xmas tree. This was my favorite!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Our Jezzy

We have a new dog and Hayes just loves to play with her! Her name is Jezzy, short for Jezzabelle. We got her Friday.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Trick or Treat!

Boo!! Hayes was a ghost this year...

He went out with Grace and Caroline who were Wendy (from Peter Pan) and Laura Ingalls Wilder, respectively:

Daddy helps with the costume!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pumpkin Carving!

Hayes and I went and picked out 3 pumpkins after school yesterday. Hayes already had a plan for the jack-o-lantern's face by the time we got home. He drew it for me on paper and then I drew it on the pumpkin. Hayes had NO desire to stick his hand inside the pumpkin to help clean it out. But he absolutely loves his "Fire Friend" as he calls it. We hope to get the other two carved today and tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Gotta Love Math

Check out this fabulous math paper Hayes brought home from Kindergarten! He LOVES math. His daddy just brought home two math books for Hayes and you would not believe the excitement with which they were greeted :) That's my boy! Well, actually, that's Richard's boy!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Puzzle Maniac

Hayes is ALL about putting together puzzles. He wanted to do this 100 piece puzzle this weekend. He asked for help, so the both of us set to work on it. We had to stop mid-way through and have dinner. It was like dangling a piece of raw meat in front of a tiger! He kept looking over at the puzzle and declaring he knew where a piece went next! He finally finished his dinner and went to work straight away on the rest of the puzzle. He didn't really need anymore help -- he wanted to finish it on his own. And he did! What a kid.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

This is Hayes's favorite passtime.

He knows if he wakes up in time, he will have a few minutes every morning on the computer. You would not believe how this motivates such a solid sleeper to get up out of bed!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hayes Gets A Laser Game

Last night Hayes called his papa on his way home from school and aked if he would split the cost of a new laser battle game with him. Hayes has an amazing papa, who said yes. They came home from Target about an hour later with game in hand. Hayes was elated! It was the first thing he asked me to do this morning.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sycamore School Web Pix

Check me out! I am in one of the pictures on my school's website: http://www.sycamoreschool.org/! I'm with my friend Becky -- who is the center of the picture. You may have to wait through the slide show a bit; I'm after the picture of the girls on the sofa.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hayes at the lake on Labor Day